Minyi WAN
Patent Attorney Assistant, Patent and Trademark Process Management
Practice Area:
Miss WAN entered into intellectual property field in 2013, is specialized in managing patent and trademark process.
Education & Training:
2013-2013 Waseda University, Social Science Major
2012-2012 Mitsumine Career Academy, Japanese Course
2007-2012 Beijing City University. Japanese Major and Tourism Management Major
Working Language:
Chinese, Japanese, and English
Zhifang ZHANG
Patent Engineer, Procedure Managing
Practice Area:
Mr. ZHANG entered into intellectual property field since 2015 and currently is responsible for Procedure Managing.
Education & Training:
2016- GIP-China Beijing WuZhouYangHe and Partners
2015-2016 Beijing Keyi and Partners
2001-2015 Beijing Xinda-Dongfang Electronics Ltd.
1996-2000 People’s Public Security University of China, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bachelor Degree
Working Language:
Chinese and English
Zhuoyi JIANG
Patent Engineer
Practice Area:
Mr. JIANG entered into intellectual property field in 2016 and is experienced in drafting and translating patent application documents in communication, electric and electronic, mechanical fields, as well as responding to Office Actions and so on.
Education & Training:
2012-2015 Nippon Institute of Technology, Engineering College, Research Assistant
2007-2011 Shenyang University of Technology, Electrical Engineering, Bachelor Degree
Working Language:
Chinese, Japanese and English